
255 Results / Page 20 of 29


Listen Again


The wold famous Lymm Rugby Panto returns on Thursday 30th November and tickets are now availableBut you'd better hurry.. Tickets went on sale at the weekend and within minutes certain dates were a sell out.Always a pleasure to welcome Simon Plumb to our studio - but this morning he also brought along one of the stars of the show - Brian Hope who plays the White Rabbit in this year's […]

todayMonday 30 October 2

Listen Again

Men: Get your PSA test this Saturday at Lymm Golf Club

Prostate Cancer is the UK's most commonly diagnosed cancer in men with over 140 men a day being diagnosed with it Unfortunately, it's a major killer - yet 80% of men who have a positive diagnosis have absolutely no symptoms. Phil Ormesher, Trustee of Stockport-based Charity, Prostate Cancer Now was our special guest this morning, ahead of a PSA testing event taking place at Lymm Golf Club this Saturday, 4th […]

todayMonday 30 October 8


Guardian Review: 26th October 2023

As Halloween approaches and people in Warrington are getting into the spirit - there's a chance to earn yourself a £1000 finders fee for a real horror house! Thursday's new Warrington and Knutsford Guardians have hit the news stands - and here's our regular round-up of what's in this weeks paper with Deputy Editor, Gareth Dunning. This week, it seems that folk in Warrington are really getting behind the spirit […]

todayFriday 27 October


Fiddlers Ferry Raffle Raises £14,680 for WDP

Warrington Disability Partnership's Raffle Draw has taken place and the lucky winner is Grace Taylor The Mega Raffle, organised by Warrington Disability Partnership in conjunction with Warrington Borough Council and Peel Holdings was for the once in a lifetime chance opportunity to press the big red button - setting off the demolition process of Fiddlers Ferry Power Station. The Mega Raffle has raised a whopping £14,680 for the charity! Congratulations […]

todayTuesday 24 October 2

Lymm Runners

Lymm Runners

Welcome to Lymm Runners - a friendly running club based in Lymm! Every Tuesday morning, Chrissie Knight from Lymm Runners joins us on air for an update to what the runners have been up to.  You can listen again right here! If you want to find out more about Lymm Runners you can find the official website here.

todayTuesday 24 October 3


Declan James Charity Coffee Day

Declan James Estate Agents in Lymm raising funds for Breast Cancer NowLaura and the team at Declan James are holding a coffee day today (Friday 20th October) and tomorrow, Saturday 21st (until 1pm) to help raise funds for Breast Cancer Now.All are welcome to call in for coffee and cake in return for a small donation - and you can enter a raffle to win a host of prizes, including […]

todayFriday 20 October 6


Guardian Review: 19th October 2023

A fantastic apprentice has been named one of the best in the north west, TEDx is coming - and Christmas has arrived at Bents Garden Centre! It's a Thursday and the latest Knutsford and Warrington Guardians have hit the news stands.  Smithy caught up with Deputy Editor, Gareth Dunning to find out what's in this week's paper. Katrina Clark Congratulations to Kat - a United Utilities apprentice from Lymm who's […]

todayThursday 19 October

Peter I. Vardy, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons


St Mary’s Lymm: Restricted Access for Remembrance Service

The collapsed wall at St Mary's Churchyard has still not been repaired - but a temporary bridge is being built to provide access to the Lymm War Memorial Rev Bev joined us in the studio with an update to the remembrance service, due to take place on Sunday 12th November. Warrington Borough Council are responsible for the maintenance and repairs to the churchyard - and the collapsed wall, which despite […]

todayThursday 19 October


Lymm Golf Junior Development Project

Lymm Golf Club launches appeal to raise funds for covered practice bays for the Junior Section The Junior section is raising money to build covered practice bays, these will be brilliant for the juniors and will mean that we can carry on practising and coaching all year round. The expected cost is in the region of £30K and they have already raised £17K. To help get the rest the club […]

todayWednesday 18 October 6