Listen Again

Lymm Clothing Charity Applications Now Open

todayMonday 12 August

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The Lymm Clothing Charity.  A little-known charity which has been operating in Lymm since the 17th Century.

It was a pleasure to welcome Cath Buckley, Chair of the charity to our morning studio to find out more.

The little-known charity has been operating since the 17th Century – and although the organisation doesn’t collect or distribute clothing – it manages several long-standing investment endowments and shares out the interest payments to local (Lymm) people in need, four times a year.

Interest income from these investments, amounting to around £1000 a year, is distributed via small grants (usually between £20 and £50) to needy residents in the Lymm area.

They also have provision for making larger one-off payments in special cases.

To apply for a grant, you only need to complete a simple application form (for yourself or for someone else) and submit it.  You can download the form below:


Listen again to our on-air conversation right here:

Listen Again: Cath Buckley
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    Lymm Clothing Charity Applications Now Open ian

Written by: ian

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