
The Warrington Bombings: 30 years on

todayThursday 27 April

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The Warrington Bombings 30 Years On – Rememberance Service

Today, Warrington fell silent to remember the victims of the Warrington Bombings, 30 yeas ago on this very day.

Jonathan Ball (aged 3) and Tim Parry (aged 12) died – and 54 others were hurt when two bombs hidden in litter bins went off on Bridge Street on March 20, 1993.

Guests included Sir John Major & Colin and Wendy Parry

A rememberance service was held in the town and brought hundreds of people together to reflect on that tragic day – and also to give hope to peace in the future.

Guest of Honour, former Prime Minister, Sir John Major gave a heartfelt address to the crowd, which included distinguised guests including Colin & Wendy Parry.  

Manchester’s Mayor, Andy Burnham and Liverpool’s Metro Mayor, Steve Rotherham were in attendance – along with Mayor of Warrington, Cllr Jean Flaherty, Professor Steven Broomhead, Chief Executive of Warrington Borough Council  – and South Warrington MP, Andy Carter.

Our reporter Paul Smith was present, along with other Worldwide Media to bring highlights of the live service to our airwaves – and has presented a special feature which you can listen to right here.

Paul Smith: The Warrington Bombings Rememberance Service
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    The Warrington Bombings: 30 years on Ian James

Written by: Ian James

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