
The Cheshire Cat: 11 weird things people believe

todayThursday 27 April

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The Cheshire Cat: 11 Weird Things People Believe (some are true)

Once upon a time, there was a cat named Cheshire.

In Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (1865) by Lewis Carroll, the Cheshire Cat is a fictional character known for its broad grin and ability to disappear and reappear at will.

He is linked closely to us in Lymm and Grapenhall and across Cheshire.  But the whole story is just weird, right?

There are always new discoveries to be made about classic stories.  The tales you grew up with will be around forever because they mean different things to different people.  That’s the beauty of stories that have stood the test of time.

When it comes to Alice in Wonderland, it seems like there is a new discovery every day.

You might not have known these 7 things about the Cheshire Cat:


1:  The Cheshire Cat’s influence on pop culture can’t be overestimated

The character is so popular that it has been referenced in movies, TV shows, music, games and even commercials.  In addition, one of Disney’s most famous villains was inspired by the Cheshire Cat – his name being Scar from “The Lion King.”


2:  There are several theories about who is behind the Cheshire Cat’s smile

Some believe the Cat was a trickster god who had magical powers over its prey; others believe he was just an ordinary cat hit with some kind of magic potion and then appeared as a phantom cat with a permanent grin on his face.


3:  The character in Alice in Wonderland wasn’t always called the Cheshire Cat.

In Tim Burton’s 2010 movie, the Cheshire Cat’s name is ‘Chessur’. Some people call him cheesy and cheeky.


4:  Yes, it is a real cat – well, kind Of..

The British Shorthair cat is the most pedigreed breed in the United Kingdom, known for its love of pedigree cats. The most handsome Cat in the U.K. is also known for its well-behaved nature and sweet personality.

Though not hypoallergenic, it makes a great pet nonetheless. The Cat Fanciers’ Association awarded this kitty first prize as the most handsome feline at every show it attended during the 1960s and early ’70s, which explains why Alice in Wonderland author Lewis Carroll made it the Cheshire Cat.


5:  Have you ever noticed how the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland is constantly smiling?

Well, people use it to comment on humans as well.

The phrase “grinning like a Cheshire Cat” describes a smile too wide to mean someone is very happy.  Caroll first used this phrase in his 1871 novel Through the Looking Glass when describing the Cat.


6:  The inspiration for the name of this legendary character from Lewis Caroll’s Alice in Wonderland has long been debated

However, most people now agree that Carroll may have based it on the grin-like appearance of a sandstone carving in Grappenhall church.

Our reasons for loving Grappenhall can be found here:  Grappenhall in 2022: 7 reasons why we love it!


7:  It isn’t MickeyMouse

Many different representations of the Cheshire Cat appear on tea towels and t-shirts.

Many of these are inspired by Disney’s version of the character, which has large blue eyes and a small smile.

Some people have compared this version to Mickey Mouse, which some Disney fans have seen as an insult.

However, regardless of your opinion on this matter, it’s hard to deny that Disney’s version of the character has significantly impacted popular culture.


8:  This Cat knows his social media

Did you know that the Cheshire cat has his own Twitter account with over 200K followers?

Or that he likes to share his wisdom by posting quotes on Tumblr?

Or that he is a Buddhist monk who can walk through walls and appear in many movies?

In reality, we don’t know our social media account are the Cheshire’s Cat.


9:  No one’s really sure if the Cheshire Cat is a friend or not

Alice thinks of the Cheshire Cat as a friend and wants to talk with him, but it turns out that she can’t communicate with him and has no idea how he disappears and reappears so suddenly.

However, the Cheshire Cat does get on Alice’s nerves from time to time by making jokes or disappearing just when she needs him the most.

The Cheshire Cat doesn’t seem to have any other purpose than to play tricks on others.

Lewis Carroll’s classic tale, Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland, is famous. Period!


10:  The Cheshire Cat can remove its head.

The Cheshire cat is most easily distinguished by its unusual ability to remove its head from its body.  However, it only does this when it wants to disappear from view and reappear somewhere else.

This can be seen when Alice first encounters the Cheshire cat, as it leaves its body behind and taunts her with words about how she will never be able to reach him.

He continues to torment her later by speaking to her head-first and leaving his body behind.

Aside from this trait, the Cheshire cat is usually described as an average cat.

Yeah right!


11:  Best Business Book Ever

The Cheshire Cat is often credited with having goals and the lack of a clear one.  In fact, it is said that Alice In Wonderland is the best business book ever.

“That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,” said the Cat.  “I don’t much care where,” said Alice.  “Then it doesn’t matter which way you go,” said the Cat.

That is the power of the Cheshire Cat in a nutshell.

He is mysterious; he knows more than he lets on.  In fact, he may even predict the future and then some.  Just think about all the places Alice went when she followed the Cat: strange plants, mad hatters, tea parties and more.  So perhaps it’s better not to know too much about him – except that you should always notice that grin.

And, of course, The Cheshire Cat is local to Lymm and very local to Grappenhall.

You can get there quickly, but it depends on how you want to go.

Written by: Ian James

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