
Jobs: How to make a good impression (5 easy tactics)

todayThursday 27 April

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Getting a new job in Cheshire in 2024 is a nerve-wracking experience.

You must consider the stress of the application process, the interview anxiety, and the agonising wait while you wonder if you have been accepted.

Luckily, we have made our Jobs Noticeboard more accessible. But do you need a helping hand?

The hard work doesn’t stop after you’ve accepted a job offer too, which is bad news for job applicants who hate the job application process.

Your manager, supervisor, and even the company weirdo will watch over you during your first thirty or so days at your new job.

First, however, they need to be informed to ensure they make a good hiring decision.

Depending on the case, you may even have to demonstrate your worth before the trial period is over to keep your new job.

What is the matter with these people?

Jobs In Cheshire 2024 – What are the best ways to ensure a positive first impression?

To start, there are several options:

5- Get off to a great start

A positive attitude is a key to a superstar start.

Bring a can-do attitude and a smile to work each morning before you’re due to arrive.

Dress to impress. Look cleanly pressed before you enter the front door and dress according to the company’s standards.

Not like us at MIX56!

Dress to impress!

It’s still possible to follow this strategy if you’re working remotely by attending your company’s group chat first thing in the morning and dressing appropriately just in case you need to drop into a zoom or Microsoft teams call.

Never be caught out without trousers or a skirt. That could mean Zoom Hell, right?

4- Understand what people are like

When you keep your status of being “the new girl or guy” at a new company, you’re more difficult to get rid of.


You need to interact with people regularly to remember your name and feel a sense of affinity toward you.

Spend time getting to know your colleagues.

When you’re supposed to be working, you don’t have to gossip, but you should make time to chat during your breaks, your lunch, and even after work.

People will remember you more if you remember their names.

When your colleague is called Jean, saying hello to Arthur is never a good idea.

3- Get Involved and Ask Questions

Getting started in a new job shouldn’t stop you from being curious. On the contrary, the quieter you are, the easier it is for people to forget all about you, which may not be the impression you’re trying to convey.

Besides making your work more likely to be mistake-prone, failing to ask questions increases your risk of making mistakes.

Ask Questions

Asking questions shows your commitment to getting the job done right.

Be sure to avoid asking the same questions repeatedly. Instead, keep a record of things you learn as you go.

You don’t want to be known as the forgetful one, right? So the first weeks of any job are where you build your reputation.

Taking the initiative is essential to do as often as possible, asking if you can do anything to provide more value and assistance to the team.

2- You Need a Mentor

We mentioned getting to know people, but you can also choose a mentor to boost your chances of success.

You can turn to a mentor when you seek guidance from a leader.

Mentorship can be instrumental since it gives you access to constant support and expertise. Nonetheless, you’ll need to make sure the person is comfortable being your mentor.

A mentor has a vested interest in your success, too. Someone can’t ignore the responsibility they feel for the success of another person they mentor.

1- Focus on your goals

Setting goals is an effective way of ensuring your new role will be successful.

The first few weeks of a new job may be tempting to simply hold on to the status quo, but you should always be looking forward to the next challenge.

As you begin to build relationships and improve your skills, setting goals will assist you in figuring out what to focus on.

In addition to setting goals, they will be helpful when discussing any new work with your manager.

During the interview, you can discuss your career objectives and demonstrate your interest in a career at the company.


Jobs In Cheshire can be scary in 2024

The good news is that our jobs page helps find you an opportunity in the first place.

After all, that can be the hardest part.

While it can be challenging during your first thirty days in a new position, planning ahead with the tips above will give you greater control over the impression you make.

This guide will help you capture people’s attention in your new job for all the right reasons and ensure that you don’t miss out on a long-term position.

What are your Cheshire job tips? Leave your thoughts below.

Written by: Ian James

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