
2 Results / Page 1 of 1



Is Knutsford a good place to live?

Let's move to Knutsford! Ah, Knutsford – the heart of Cheshire's Golden Triangle!This charming little town has a delightful mix of quaint shops, picturesque streets, and friendly locals. But is it a good place to live? Let's find out!First of all, let's talk about the town itself. Knutsford is a small town with a population of around 13,000. It's not too big and not too small, which means you get […]

todayMonday 1 May 3


Secondhand Fashion: Always in style!

There's a new shop in town! With the aim of slowing down fast fashion and making sustainable secondhand fashion more stylish, Secondhand Styling UK is opening its first swap, shop and style studio in Knutsford next month. Located on Minshull Street, above children’s boutique Mini & Moi, the studio officially opened on Saturday 22nd April (Earth Day), a date specifically selected as it aims to highlight the importance of climate change, […]

todayThursday 27 April