
178 Results / Page 19 of 20



Autumn Musings: A walk in the woods

All the leaves are brown and the sky is grey… These are the opening words to a classic song (do you know which one?  Read on for the answer!) and the inspiration for today's adventure! It’s a cold winter’s day too – but as part of my January health kick, I was determined to get out and about in the great outdoors and decided to have a walk in the […]

todayThursday 27 April


Kick start your 2023 health goals

Kick Start Your 2023 Health Goals At the start of a New Year, many of us start to think about prioritising our health. I often hear friends and clients embarking on health initiatives such as Dry January, Veganuary etc in a bid to improve health and lose weight, but this all or nothing approach is often unsustainable and unnecessary if our goal is to simply improve how we look and […]

todayThursday 27 April

Herbs With Barbara

Gold, Frankincense & Myrrh

Gold, Frankincense & Myrrh A new year is upon us and the weather is decidedly dull and wet - but the promise of Spring, happier times and new beginnings is just around the corner. As we make our way through the winter months, it's time to re-connect with nature and to brighten your spirits with it's abundant gifts!  Though most trees look skeleton-like and appear dormant at this time of […]

todayThursday 27 April

Herbs With Barbara

Festive Crafts & Star Anise

Festive Crafts & Star Anise It's 1st December and time for our monthy check in with the lovely Barbara Wilkinson, our Consultant Medical Herbalist. With the festive season just around the corner, Barbara gave us some wonderful Christmas craft ideas - from making your own wreath using willow twigs - to a simple table decoration idea using a silver or gold marker pen and fresh bay leaves. Star Anise This […]

todayThursday 27 April

Herbs With Barbara

Comfrey & Borage

Comfrey & Borage It's the first Thursday of the month - and time for our regular check in with the wonderful Barbara Wilkinson, our Medical Herbalist - who today comes bounding into the studio wielding two humongous triffids... These large, very green, stretchy leaves have a hairy texture and look a little like Dock Leaves on steroids - but it turns out they are actually Comfrey leaves, Symphytum Officianle, a […]

todayThursday 27 April

Herbs With Barbara

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar Apple Cider Vinegar is a special type of vinegar which is made using fermented apple juice.  It's rich in probotics and antioxidant polyphenols and is often referred to as a superfood. Apple cider vinegar is often used to make salad dressings and marinades.  It's also believed to boost health in many ways.  Many people use the vinegar to aid weight loss, help relieve heartburn and help control […]

todayThursday 27 April

Herbs With Barbara


Herbs With Barbara - Elderberries Autumn has arrived and it's harvest time! Fingers crossed, September will bring some lovely sunshine filled days - but the darker nights are approaching and it will be winter before we know it. With this in mind, there's never been a better time to think about boosting your immune system and discovering what natural remedies are available from nature. This month on Herbs with Barbara […]

todayThursday 27 April

Herbs With Barbara


Herbs with Barbara Welcome to a new feature on the morning show!  The first Thursday of evey month, Medical Herbalist, Barbara Wilkinson, will be our guest talking all things herbal! Barbara has been a qualified Medical Consultant since 2012 and is a trustee of the Herb Society, which was formed more than 95 years ago in order to promote the use and understanding of herbs and their benefits. Today, we […]

todayThursday 27 April


Thelwall 2023: A City of Dreams

The Lost City Neatly located between Lymm and Grappenhall lies the mysterious, yet charming village of Thelwall. With its pleasing range of pretty buildings, a national monument, exciting tales of witchcraft at the old White House and other ghostly goings-on, we thought we’d take a closer look at our neighbouring village. One thing’s for sure.  There’s a lot more to Thelwall than the famous viaduct!  Although, if you are interested […]

todayThursday 27 April
